

Happiness is a destination that's hard to find.  Or so it seems sometimes. I think its hard because we're afraid to be happy. That's probably the case for me.

But right now I am very happy. I'm with an incredible girl who has already shown me a lot about myself. I'm completely myself...probably becoming a better version of myself with her.

I wasn't looking for love when we met...I wasn't really looking for anything. But that's usually when something of this magnitude grabs you and pulls you in.

Christmas is the day after tomorrow. It seems like this year has flown by. I've been through a lot. Mostly good...a few rough patches, but I think it's been a great year. Especially the way it's ending.

I love life right now...I can't wait for each new day.


Time flies...

Time never ceases to amaze me.

It can crawl by or fly by at lightning speed. It always seems that the bad things in life are the times that go by the slowest. Why is it that the good things can't seem to last that long.

For example...

You meet someone and totally hit it off. Like out of the park. The two of you share one of those indescribable connections. Its baffling. Fast forward one week.  You're still talking...even more so now. During a conversation, you both realize, "Oh wow...we've only known each other a week..." In one week, you've both uncovered so much about the other, and really strong feelings have evolved. One week....you feel like you've known each other for years.

That's where I am. In one week, things have been all over the place! Been on highs, been on lows. Worked through some shit and grown stronger. In the week that I've known this person, I've experienced so many things and I love it.

A lot can happen in a week. I decided to move out. Told my family on Tuesday and was moved in by Saturday. How's that for fast? An opportunity arose and I had to take it. It was the right time in my life and I'm loving it. I woke up yesterday feeling a little weird about things...I'm sure that will happen a few more times, but the bottom line is, I am ready. I needed this. My parents needed this. It is a great situation. I'm in a gorgeous, huge house with an awesome roommate I work with. We get along so well. The neighborhood is safe and quiet. Did I mention the house is awesome?

I am out on my own, and for the first time in a while I just feel really good. I feel like I'm on my own two feet. I know things will get stressful...I've always worked better with my back against the wall.

I just have to make sure I balance everything in my life... which can be challenging.


Kings of Leon

If  you like good music...download the newest Kings of Leon CD. It's different, and until a few weeks ago, I hadn't given it a chance.

I'm sitting here in pajamas at 10:00 on a Saturday night. I have people texting me who are about to go out and party. For once, I don't really envy them.  No, I'm perfectly content sitting here writing this blog, waiting on the next text to light up my phone.

Yesterday night and today were amazing. The stupid shit that life hits you with had no affect on me today. I am high on life right now. Truth is, I'm petrified to be happy about it.

It is probably too early to read into things, but for those of you that read this, there might just be someone new appearing in my coming posts. It just kind of depends. Right now...things are looking good. Great. Perfect. Amazing.

I have butterflies in my stomach for the first time in a long time. I love it. I love that people can do that to you.

This is short and sweet, but I am just so happy in this moment. Beaming! Grinning from ear to ear...thoughts a'racing. Butterflies fluttering. Kings of Leon reminding me of all the great things from the past 24 hours.

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You know when...

Just when you think there is no possibility of anything even remotely exciting ever happening to your life again.... something gives you a glimmer of hope :)

I have plenty of other exciting things going on, like coaching...but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about deeper stuff.

I feel like sometimes I'm afraid to let myself be too happy or get my hopes up too high, because, well let's face it... there has been a lot of let down in my life. Not on my family's part or anything like that. I'm talking about things that I saw potential in that didn't pan out and left me scratching my head and...sad? I don't know if that's the right word, but the angry grumbling creature in my stomach demanding lunch is distracting me from the plethora of vocabulary words that normally circulate in my head.

Nothing is more disappointing than getting your hopes up for something, and then never getting to feel it, see it, really have it in your life. This is why I try not to get excited about things so much anymore. I feel like if I downplay it to outsiders (and try to fool myself into thinking its not a huge deal) that somehow, it actually WILL turn out the way I secretly desire. Or perhaps this is just me "going with the flow" from now on.

I'm still very confused about this part of me. Why are we afraid to be happy? I guess I just can't stand the remote possibility of feeling let down anymore. That feeling has smacked me between the eyes one time too many in my life.

I have patiently (tossing and turning at night, naggy blogging) been waiting for something new and interesting to come into my life. I am right on the verge of something slight. But right now, slight is HUGE. All I've wanted to do is meet new people and make new friends at home. Life after college is tough when you're ripped away from your group of friends, and thrown back into a place you haven't lived for four years. It's kind of like..."Ok, what now?" I'm slowly starting to branch out. Meeting people. Most people think I'm some huge extrovert, but deep down inside, I'm a little shy when it comes to being proactive about "finding" new people. I mean, that last statement alone sounds so "40 year-old virginish." Bottom line is....I'm getting there, and each day is more exciting than the last.

I will patiently wait to see how all of this pans out.

( . /\ . ) ps- someone said this is supposed to look like boobs...anyone seeing this?



Oh my gosh I'm such a MORON!

How could I forget to include in the updates that....drumroll please....


That's right....I get to be an aunt to another beautiful little boy or girl! Lila doesn't really know what all of this means yet, but in 7 more months, it will all become a little more clear.

She has labeled me "Shten" As in Krishten. She gets on the phone and says "Hiiii Shten." Maybe she will master Aunt Kristen by the time baby number 2 arrives :)

I'm just elated for my sister and brother in-law right now! I cornered my sister in my office a few weeks ago and said "Something's up...what's going on?" She said nothing, so I informed her that she is the world's worst liar so she needed to come clean before I forced it out of her. I asked if she was pregnant and she said no. She then left my office and came back, pulled a pee-stick (that was capped people) out of her pocket and handed it to me. PREGGERS!

I had to hold the secret in until she told my parents and family. That was hard.... She decided to tell everyone by putting her little girl up to it... check out the link and see the picture :) Lila



I got called out today but one, Ms. Brittany Hunter, for not blogging in a while.

She is correct. It's been a while... Busy doesn't even begin to describe my life lately. Loving it, but very tired.

Here are some updates:

Oak Ridge bball is going well. First scrimmage tomorrow. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable there every day. The girls are really starting to come around and listen to all of us coaches. Still...I miss my little 11 year olds. Much more of a joy to be around!

Job is going well. Went last week to take my state Property and Casualty test. Failed thT son of a bitch by one damn point. With that test you have to get a 70 to pass. Most people score right at or just above 70. Had a damn 69, so now I have to go again.

Grandma is officially moved to NC. Her new townhome is kickass and I'm actually looking at building a custom one in the same complex for myself.

Got a new dog! His name is Louie and he's absolutely adorable. Pics are on facebook!

Lastly, had the best Halloween ever! I dressed up as Joan Jett and was completely badass!!!

Other than that, nothing. Been a busy little bee! I'll write more when I'm not so comatose feeling. Besides my SLIGHT wine buzz is beginning to wear off which means nothing juicy.

Was that enough Honey B? :-)


Decisions, Decisions

Work------Monday-Friday (8:00am - 5:00pm)
High School Practice------Monday-Friday (6:30pm-8:45pm)
AAU Practice-------Saturdays (11:00am-1:00pm)
Individual Instruction------Saturdays/Sundays (anytime)


I'd say I'm just a tad busy.

I'm always coming and going. Am I coming home after work, or am I going to practice after work? I can't tell which is right half the time. This sounds like too busy of a schedule for some. When I really think about it, I'm like holy shit, Kristen...where did your life go?

But then I think that through. My life didn't go anywhere. If anything, my life went awry in college. Basketball has always been my life. It was my life until college, but then my foot happened, which lead to senior year...and looking back, I wasn't happy. I wasn't satisfied. There was always something missing. Two things missing to be exact. One of them is back now. Basketball.

Coaching my kids this fall re-lit the fire. It reaffirmed my longing to coach in college one day. So...giving my weekends to a bunch of 12 year olds...that sounds like a great weekend to me. Now, in addition to head coaching my AAU girls, I'm assistant coaching at a high school. As said schedule shows, that is also quite time consuming. We basically have a college-level schedule.

So here's the gist of it. I may not "go out" on Fridays or Saturdays anymore. I may spend my weekends with 12-18 year olds and their parents. I may travel to games and get home at 1 in the morning. I may have practice every day. But you know what? This is all I've ever really known. And I like it that way. Last year without it, there was too much time for bullshit. There was drama. There was this and that. I don't want any of that.

Some might call it lame, but I call it ambition. I've always found a way to balance social and work, and I fully intend to do so now as well.

I enjoy being busy. I enjoy being on the go. There is less bullshit in your life that way.



I love Goldfrapp. If you've never listened to them, you should. There is a song for just about every single emotion and feeling out there. Love, giddy, happy, sad, out of control, horny, dizzy, free-falling, tired, out of control, like you're on speed, lonely, anxious...

Love it.

I hope Oscar is okay :'-(


Life Update

AAU season is unofficially over for the fall. I say that because we will continue to practice, but only once a week as more of a skills session, rather than a game preparation mentality. I couldn't have asked for a better response from all the girls in regards to the changes they faced. I came in, challenged them and kicked their butts. Most of them caught on pretty quick. Some of them haven't caught on...mostly because of their parents.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with their progression. I had my doubts after our first tournament, but after a few changes on my part in what we worked on in practice, they really came around. We played for a championship in our last tournament against the defending State  Champions--lost by 13. That is HUGE considering my team, in the past, lost to them by 40 or 50 every time. We turned a lot of heads in the past two weeks.

Apparently I'm a good coach? I was approached by a lot of people at our last two tournaments congratulating me on the job I've done in turning the team around. Remarkable and unbelievable were a couple of the words thrown around. It wasn't all me, however. My assistant and I work extremely well together. Still, though...we are only a small part. We can only guide them...we can't play for them. They are the ones out on the court every game. The turn around is because of how they bought in to our coaching. Gee I'm proud :-)

Because of all of this, I've had a multitude of coaching offers from some of the area high schools. I decided the best opportunity for me would be at Oak Ridge Military Academy. There is a lot of talent there, that I can help prepare for college. Plus...I'll get to become involved with college coaches again. AKA get my name out there for my dream job.

Practice for that is underway... Excluding their terrible attitudes, it's great! haha. More on that as it unfolds. I'm heading up to Richmond this weekend to see old friends. I miss that place!!!


Age is just a number, baby.


I've always bee very mature for my age. People have said that since I can remember. Oftentimes, it has made it more difficult to connect with people my own age...but I've managed!

I've always enjoyed the fact that while I'm pretty mature, I can still get in touch with my younger, inner child side. The playful side.

But what about those people who are stuck in the younger years? You all know who I'm talking about. That one friend you know who never acts their age. Not in terms of having fun or goofing around...but in terms of their maturity. It's like they are stuck at the ripe age of 18. And it annoys the hell out of you.

The way they treat people. The way these individuals conduct themselves in certain situations. You have to be careful...if you hang around them too often, you find yourself acting idiotically young too.

::smacks forehead::

Doh. We've all been there. While we care about these people, isn't it best to just cut them out of the picture? I mean....they only come running to you with the same, exact set of problems as 1, maybe 2 months earlier. Enough is enough right?

I mean, how many times can you talk someone out of them thinking that "Jessie doesn't like mehhhh because she didn't text me baaaaack in like, 5 minutes. Oh my goshhhhh...that means she like, doesn't care about mehhhh." To which you say, "Oh now...I'm sure she was just tied up for a second." ::in your mind, "you know...tied up going to the bathroom, maybe having a REAL conversation with another human being...maybe going through a drive thru..."::

"Oh my gossshhhhhh...you don't care about me eitherrrrrrrr..... You just want to stick up for Jessie. UGHHH you never take my sideeeeee."

Yea. No f'in shit, Sherlock. Because you're a complete psycho and you're never right.

::deep breath::

These...my friends....are the ones I'm talking about. We all know people like that. Luckily for me, I can't say I have any of those in my life at the moment. Nor do I plan on ever catering to such a situation in the future. But I've heard enough stories this week from friends about this situation to relate to them, and post my thoughts.

For those of you out there stuck at 18 terrible years of age.... Grow the fcuk up. Whining is not attractive. Being needy? Not attractive either.

Independence? Now there's a turn on.

For those of you listening to such infantile complaints and remarks...cut ties. People like that will never learn. They will only continue to piss you off and make the same mistakes.

Cut them out.


Forks, NC

I'm in LOVE with the weather right now.

It is now fall.  The summer was long.  A record number of days with blistering heat. The ground has been parched for quite some time. I prayed and prayed for relief from the heat. It just starts to wear on you...

The first day of fall was 95 degrees. There was no hope.

But then today happened :)  When I left for church this morning, it was beautiful, but I was somewhat disappointed. It was breezy, sunny and 63 degrees. Gorgeous. The forecast, however, said that it was supposed to be raining ALLLL day. Hmph.

As I drove home I thought, "Ehhhhh the weather people effed up again. Big surprise there. I bet it went west of us." And then I reached the part of the road that takes you by the airport. The trees part, and you can see the sky for miles. I reached the top of the hill and made the slight turn...my soul smiled :)  The dark clouds loomed ominously off in the distance behind the runway.

I don't know why I love dark, cold, wet, dreary.... I don't know. I just do. Some people feel that way about sunshine. But for me...a perfect day is a day like today. Maybe part of it is because I don't care about getting wet. My hair doesn't matter to me. I normally put it up wet anyways. I like sweatshirt weather. Maybe that's it. I don't know.

I'm laying on my bed right now listening to the rain fall on the pavement, the roof and the leaves of the trees. The breeze blowing through my windows is so refreshing I cannot possibly put it into words.

While this post is pointless and very boring to anyone reading it, I don't care. I'm super happy that God blessed me with a day like this. Oh...and it's supposed to do the same thing tomorrow :) This kinda makes me want to move to Forks. You Twihards know what I'm saying!

I think fall is finally here ^__^


It's only Tuesday?

Ok, well when I wake up in a few hours it will be Wednesday, but DAMN.

I am so tired this week. The past weekend was my first AAU tournament as a head coach. Had a blast despite not winning the whole thing. The girls have a lot of work to do. Therefore, I decided to make practice a little different. I presented them with the option to make it pretty damn hard or pretty damn easy...

Monday morning came way to f*ing early. My alarm went off and my heart almost stopped, I think. From coaching, my voice has been off all week. I woke up Monday and felt like I had a cold or something. When I first woke up, I felt fine. But as the morning went on, things got fuzzier and fuzzier. It was so weird. I didn't cognitively feel tired....but I was. I wasn't in a bad mood either. I literally couldn't put a finger on what was wrong, but something was definitely off and no matter what I did, nothing helped.

Not even a Diet Dew. Yea... scary.

So I went to practice that night, fully expecting for the girls to practice horribly due to the fact that they had JUST played the day before and the day before that. I was planning on being a hard ass and going home with heightened blood pressure.

Those girls embraced everything I was trying to do. They did everything I asked and got on each other when someone wasn't doing exactly what I asked. I was sooo happy.  My day completely turned around. At 9 pm.  Love them!

This morning I was having a dream about a college graduation. Instead of Pomp and Circumstance playing as whoever it was graduating processed in, the theme song from The Office was playing. Odd right? I thought so too.  I thought it was odd until I came to and woke up for the morning. I looked at my watch. 7:46?? SHIT.

That was no graduation....that was the sound of my alarm going off HAHAHA. Apparently I was so zonked, I reached over and turned off my iPhone alarm (which takes talent if sleeping). I was late for work by 15 mins.

We had meetings ALLLLL day. When everything was said and done, I now have my hand in about 9 different projects. Sweet life.  One of those is due at 8am. So here I sit, still working on it.

Hey this kind of feels like college.....

Oh wait, I went to Richmond. This stress is NOTHING like that place. Unreal.

On a personal note...I feel pretty good for the most part. Whatever is going on with my allergies can stop anytime now. Oh....and if any new people feel like making their way into my life...that'd be fantastic. No offense to the people I already know and love, but I need to make some friends here in Greensboro. Some....non-typical friends I guess I should refer to them as.

Ah screw it, I'll just say it. Where my gays at?




Posts are just flowing out of me this morning. I want to update more frequently. Been a little busy lately.

My first AAU tournament as a head coach is this weekend!!!! I'm beyond pumped!

We had our first scrimmage last night. Without having our best player playing, we did just fine! I walked away pretty happy. The effort was there...that is my number one request. There is a lot to work on, but they were trying.

It has been a challenge getting them to break old habits. The old coach never really...taught...basketball stuff. He coached his daughter. That's about it.

The girls are responding very well, though. Better than I could have imagined. I see moments of brilliance and understanding. We will get there. By spring time, we should be pretty darn good. It is a matter of repetition, getting used to my style, learning the plays...and remembering them :)

I'm trying my hardest to be patient.  I now understand why coaches were impatient sometimes. You see what these kids can do....and you can't get it out of them right then and there. But I'm reminding myself that I will get it out of them in time.

I'm growing, I'm learning, I'm loving it. Like McDonald's LOL I'm lovin' it. I'm McLovin it.



Imagine this...

You're driving through the mountains and the weather is just nasty. Snow, ice, rain...whatever. It has made the roads treacherous so much so that any idiot would know to stay off them if they don't have 4-wheel drive. Front wheel at the very least. You happen upon a car stuck in the mud. The engine is exhausting itself by continuously and furiously spinning the tires. Kicking up mud and all kinds of crap. Despite how messy the situation appears, you pull over and run to help the driver. You are, after all, in a 4-wheel, sturdy, solid, vehicle.

They graciously greet you and welcome you into the situation because they know they can't do it alone. "This has happened a few times before," they caution. "That's ok, I'll show you how to prepare for weather like this, " you say.  "Great! That would be so helpful so that I never make this mistake again."


You grab all the necessary supplies you have and prepare to "unstuck" the car wildly spinning the tires. In attempts to get it out of the rut it has created, you become a mess yourself. The wheels spit mud in your face and all over your clean, dry clothes. The rain, ice and snow relentlessly pelt you in the face. Sticks and rocks fly up, cutting you up a bit. Your legs are driven into the mud so much so that you almost get stuck. Finally, the car moves a bit. You give one last push...expanding all of your energy. The car thrusts out of the rut and sits there idling, as if nothing ever happened.

By this time, you've grown rather impatient with everything. After all, it did make you late for the lunch you had planned to have with your friends. But at least you helped someone out who really needed it. You explain how to avoid this situation. The person blankly stares at you. You repeat it and repeat it. Annoyed, you turn to walk away. They grab you and say "ok, I'm sorry...just one more time, I promise I'll get it. I don't want to make this mistake again." You explain one last time...slowly, methodically...in a way they cannot mess up.  Somewhere inside you know they will end up right where you first came upon them. You part ways and are happy to get home, shower and change clothes.

A little less than a month after this, you're driving down the same road. The weather is again, not good for cars without 4-wheel drive. It hardly ever is where you live.  You turn the corner and can hardly believe your eyes.

There, in the same exact spot as before is the car you helped get out of the rut. It sits there spinning the tires.  Another good-hearted, unsuspecting person stands behind the car, pushing with all their might. You pause for a second...your blood begins to boil. Did you or did you not, show that person how to avoid the situation completely? Yet here they sit....tires just'a spinning. You know exactly how that person helping is going to feel in a little bit.  But its not your problem anymore. You know you exhausted yourself trying to show that person how to avoid the situation. You risked your own safety, got dirty and the debris left a few cuts.

So you sit there...staring out of your window dumbfounded. Angry. Irate that you wasted your time. It truly sinks in... Some people can't be helped.  Some people want to make the same mistakes. Some people don't care about learning....learning anything.  They just want to sit there and spin the tires.  You sigh and drive away. In your rear view you gaze at the unsuspecting person beginning to explain how to avoid the situation.

You laugh almost an ominous laugh to yourself. "....maybe they will listen this time. Maybe this person can find a way to get the point across to that poor idiot"

A few months later, driving down that very road, you pass by the same freaking car. Stuck. No one is there to help yet. But you never slow....you pass by without thinking twice.

They can't be helped.


Randoms. isms.

Every morning brings another, slightly stronger hint that fall is fast approaching.  After this blazing inferno of a summer we've had down here, 80 degree days feel like heaven. Even better? 58 degree mornings. It felt so good this morning on my way to work turning the dial on my air to the place where the blue and red meet in the middle.

Football seasons starts tonight. More importantly, the BUCS season starts on Sunday. I've missed football Sundays at the house for the past four years. I'm finally back and ready to go!!  Being away, you don't really realize how much you're missing until you come back home. The memories all come flooding back and you realize how much you actually do miss things.  Yes, even mom yelling at you occasionally.

My AAU team is starting to come together. There are A LOTTTTTT of bad habits I'm having to work through with them. Their old coach only cared about his daughter apparently.... Given that, he didn't pay much attention to the other kids and their....skills....   Each practice, they are getting more and more used to my style. They were all a bit shell-shocked at first I think. We run. A lot. All of my drills involve getting up and down the hardwood. Being the head coach was a MAJOR adjustment at first. I realized how much more you have to watch and be vocal. Oh...and the plays come from YOUR head. That is probably the most challenging thing for me...but, I'm getting used to it! Oh...and LOVING every minute of it :)

Vacation was pretty good. Always nice to get away to the beach. We missed Tom, though. He brings something with him that wasn't there this trip. I did enjoy seeing Lila experience the beach for the first time.  However, if given the choice, I think she would prefer the pool to the sandy beach. She even loved the hot tub. Me too, kid!


Live! From Myrtle Beach!

I'm blogging live from Myrtle Beach (for anyone who can't read a title).

We are on our family vacation. I've had a few cocktails, so this might be all over 'da plaaaace :)

Just kidding. Kind of.

So....here we are. Cherry Grove at MB. The car ride was definitely not as interesting as last time. We all wish Tom could be here. Stupid lawyer shit. He gets his results from the bar while we're here. He is working a PT job at a firm for the next 6 weeks. Experience us good, but unfortunately, he doesn't get to be here at the beach with us :( I love Tom because he makes me feel slightly less awkward around the family sometimes. O:-) He gets me! hahahaha

Dad threw his back out loading the truck, Katie and I have had the plague for the past two weeks, and mom has to give herself shots for MS every other day. Needless to say, today was not as exciting as the last time we drove down here.

This is Lila's first trip to the beach! She is quite the little waterbug, so this ought to be a lot of fun. Minus the sand! We took her down to the lazy river and hot tubs and she LOVED them. The kid gets the biggest smile on her face when she's in the water. She's getting a bit fussy...just in time for us to go to dinner. Yippee. This ought to be fun haha.

Anywho....I'll update more as the weekend progresses. Hopefully my next post is about a big fish I caught at the pier. Here's to hoping....


Blame the plague

This has been quite a busy month for me. Sorry for the staggering number in posts. I'll do better, I promise!

I started working FULL TIME for Smart Choice! I'm very excited. It just so happened that a place/job for me opened up due to some new ideas in the company. Hard work pays off. This has been a true testament of that. You work hard and produce good work, things are going to happen.

I got my own office and everything. My office is known as 'the bunker' given its location. You'd have to see it to understand. But it is very swanky and comfortable.

This past week was rather challenging. My sister and I contracted what I am now calling the plague. It started out as a ferocious sore throat. Well...Tylenol and Advil didn't touch the pain in our throats. Due to meetings and trainings allll week, we were unable to take proper care of ourselves. Two nights of dinner out with clients (complete with 100 dollar bottle of wines and copious amounts of delicious food) made for long days and short sleep nights. Not a good combo for the sick and feeble.  By Friday, we were both at the doctor's office. She had the beginning of a sinus infection. I had the remnants of one because she said my throat was "terrible looking." By that time Katie had already lost her voice. Mine was on the fritz. So, off to work we went with antibiotics and senses of humor in tact.  Saturday morning I felt ok. She still didn't have a voice. Mine was still on and off. Well...Saturday night my neighbor was having a birthday party. Outside. It was a tad muggy, but NOTHING like the majority of the summer has been so it was pleasant. I felt like my ear had been a little plugged all day, but by the time twilight came, it had gotten much worse. My voice was going and my ear was filling with what felt like cotton by the minute. Around 10:30 I called it a night and headed home. I had some water and headed to bed feeling weird. I woke up around 3:00. The fullness in my ear was driving me NUTS. Laying in bed, I burped and thought someone had driven a pencil through my ear. OMG, ya'll it hurt so bad. So I was like, "ok, enough...time to unclog my ear." I went downstairs, boiled some water and sat over it so the steam raised into my ear. 20 minutes later, nothing had worked and I was getting more miserable by the second. Time to go do something about it. I didn't want to wake my parents, so I thought that I would just leave a note and drive myself to the new mini-ER down the road from the house. But then I figured Mom would kill me if she found out, so I went upstairs and asked her what to do. One of the perks of still living at home is that you can waltz into your parents' room in the middle of the night and say, "Mommmm I don't feel goooood." I don't complain about that kind of stuff unless I am REALLY not doing so well. So my awesome Mom got up and got dressed (make-up and all, oh mom...) and we headed to the ER.

What a nice facility. We were the only ones there. In about ten minutes, I was already in an exam room. The doctor comes in and wants to look in my ears. My right one was fine. He went around to the other side and I moaned "pleeeeeease be careful when you go in there." He was but he said, "Oh dear! Your ear looks horrible. Your ear drum is majorly inflamed and red." Yippee. My throat infection spread into my ear giving me a middle ear infection. Also, at this point, my voice was COMPLETELY gone. He said if my ear drum ruptured I would feel instant relief, but that doctors no longer do that. Ok? I was thinking. So the nurse (a flaming, articulate gay man who was SO cool) came in with 2.5 doses of steroids for me to take and my prescription for new antibiotics and some light pain meds for my ears. I hate pain meds. More on that in a few.

So male nurse explains where there are 24-hr pharmacies, so mom and I load up and hit the road to get them filled. By this time, my ear is in major meltdown mode and I am more miserable than I was before we got to the hospital. We get the prescriptions and I tear into them like a hyena on a warthog.

Get home around 5:15. Mom puts me in bed and I sleep til 10 or so. Now...I don't like pain meds because of how I feel without them once they've been in my body. For some reason, I have severe withdrawls from them. So...Sunday Mom and Dad went to church and I stayed home on the couch fighting off bouts of nausea. Fun. Apparently though, Z-packs can really upset your stomach too. Didn't know that. So that could have been part of it.

This brings us to today. My voice is somewhat back, but not completely. I took my second round of antibiotics this morning. My sister is on the same thing (might have mentioned this already, IDK!!) and she had to come in late because her stomach didn't agree with it this morning. She actually threw up. Me? No my stomach waited for me to get to work. I think I've already lost 10 pounds this morning. Fun times. Hopefully my body adjusts and I feel MUCH better by Thursday. We are leaving for a family vacation on Thursday. Can't believe the summer is already over. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy about it though. SO sick of hot weather. Bring on the fall baby!

Shout out to all my Richmond kids heading back to school today. Can't believe I don't get to do that this year. It's CRAZY!


Orlando, NC

Good Lord it is muggy outside.

After a very warm and muggy day today, storm clouds rolled in around 4. I had to take my sister to pick up her Jeep before cruising home for the day. Lucky me cruised right into a monsoon. For anyone who doesn't know, I drive a Mustang...and they do NOT perform in any type of weather. Sunshine only it seems like. As I drove into the hazy gray horizon, my speedometer fell from 65 to about 30. It was that bad. After the storm moved on, the humidity crawled back in with a vengeance. It feels worse than Orlando did when I lived there.  Buttttttt, this isn't interesting so I'll just quit while I'm ahead.

Here are a few updates:
1. My niece can WALK!!!!!!!!
2. I'm back at Smart Choice (yay!!)
3. I have my very own AAU team and I SOOOO excited.

Shout out to my Aunt who follows this blog. We had a funny conversation in which she told me she found a bunch of journals from when she was a teen and early 20 year old. She informed me that she is SO glad that blogs did not exist then because she would be mortified if the stuff she said then was on the internet now.  I'm sure I will look back one day and laugh at the dumb shit I was preoccupied with.

I am beyond excited about this whole head coaching gig I have going on. I am taking over a team that played 11u this past summer, so they will be 12s next spring. For fall ball, we will be playing at 12s. From what a buddy of mine told me, I'm getting  GREAT group of girls that have equally as great parents. For that I am oh so thankful. I'm excited to take everything I've learned over the years and teach these young girls.

I just want give these young players what people gave me--except I vow not to cross lines and ruin things for them like some people tried to do to me =-)


Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch Cherry Bomb!

Who knew Joan Jett was actually kinda deep. Maybe it took her NOT being 19 in a rock band to discover what she was really all about.

Sex, drugs, rock & roll. And love.

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts- Hate Myself For Loving You

Midnight, gettin' uptight. Where are you?
You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to two
I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you.
Hey, Jack, It's a fact they're talkin' in town.
I turn my back and you're messin' around.
I'm not really jealous, don't like lookin' like a clown.
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
Daylight, spent the night without you.
But I've been dreamin' 'bout the lovin' you do.
I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through.
Hey, man, bet you can treat me right.
You just don't know what you was missin' last night.
I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you.
I hate myself for loving you.
Can't break free from the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
I hate myself for loving you .
I hate myself for loving you .


That's Real Dumb

So I'm laying in bed...trying to get sleepy. Flipping through channels...somehow I landed on the Real World (Nawlins). I hardly ever watch MTV. I think it has become such a dumb channel. I don't care that all the California kids are rich and eat out every single night. I don't care that Kristin loves Brody and that LC is actually a lesbian. Seriously, she's always single..... I don't care that all these Real World kids are alcoholics and either over the top GAY or homophobic. I don't care about 16 year olds who got knocked up and hate their bf/gfs. I just don't CAREEEEE.

Oh, but I can't wait for Jersey Shore 2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Honestly, I DO think every show on MTV is absolutely retarded. I am just so fascinated by these Jersey people. They are UNreal. They should just call it The Unreal World.

Enough of that!

Today was a good day. I seem to have more and more moments where I think about the past ever since I broke up with Jackie. I guess its just because you have a lot more time to think when you aren't focusing so much on one person. Plus, there is some serious self-eval that takes place after a break up. You look at everything and everyone you've been involved with, so I guess it is only natural to look back on individuals.

Some day I think I want to deal with that whole situation. When I was broken up with, it was over the phone. About two weeks after I had just been up to Connecticut to see her. I left Connecticut that morning never expecting that I would NEVER see her again. But that is what happened.

It took a long time, and recently I think I finally understand WHY things didn't work out. I understand what she felt now. What still gets me, however, is WHY things had to happen the way they happened. It is not right to just never see the person you loved so incredibly much ever again. Or am I wrong? I have no idea what I would do if I saw her again. Randomly. If I knew it was going to happen, I could prepare myself, but God help me if I ever just run into her. But hey...it's a long ass way from Canada to North Carolina hahahaha.

I'll shut up with all the nostalgia now. I probably didn't even use that correctly just now, but you know what? I don't care. I'm kind of sleepy! :)

Today was the first day I sat down and studied something since college! For my job, I had to read over a big manual today and learn all the details. I got it now. I think :)

It is so random to have Wednesday as my ONLY freakin' off day of the week. Tomorrow starts another 6-day cycle. Joy.

Ok well...that was another installment of my random closing thoughts of the day.

Until the next night...

Oh wait, if you like Kristen Stewart, but want to see her outside of 'Bella,' watch 'The Runaways.' She plays Joan Jett and is AWESOME. Totally opposite of Bella...dropping the f-bomb, making out and having sex with girls, crazy outfits...and best of all, A MULLET! I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Go watch it!


Finding Rewards Where You Least Expect Them.

Today was a great day.

Tonight was unlike most of my normal Friday nights. There were no parties, no alcohol, no dancing. There was music, however. And boxes of rice, soy, dried veggies and chicken flavoring.

Yes, that's right. Tonight, I spent three hours at church making thousands of meal packets for starving kids in Haiti. It was the most fun I've had without margaritas or wine in a long time.

Feed My Starving Children. That is the organization we worked with tonight. They teach you how to package the food properly, then divide you into groups and set you up to pack food for a couple hours. Alongside a little boy, I scooped the rice and soy while he scooped the chicken and veggies. Mom bagged, and another family sealed while my dad packed the finished bags in the boxes to be shipped off to Haiti.

There were some competitive people there tonight, let me tell you. But...our table came in FIRST!!! We had the most boxes packed up. As a church, we packed around 35,000 meals tonight! That is enough food for 98 kids for a FULL YEAR!

It was so nice to do something to give back to the world for once...instead of taking. While it is relatively small in the GRAND scheme of things, I feel good knowing I helped feed a bunch of kids tonight.

On our way out of the packing area, the kitchen prepared samples of the food for us to try. It wasn't bad at all! Tasted like something Uncle Ben would put on the shelves.

Thinking about a mission trip down to Haiti....  We'll see!


It's just dumb luck.

Dumb Luck- Dntel

Just don't forget
That it's dumb luck that got you here
Don't fool yourself
Misfortunes waiting for the best time to appear
To make it clear
That all the courage and the talent that you had
Was just in dreams
And when you wake up
You will beg to get it back
To get it back

You interest your friends
They will betray you
With the love that's blinding
And then at the end they may admit
That you were missing something
And no one remembers even one word that left your mouth
All the melodies were stolen
From songs by someone else

You're out of time
And inspiration filled with self-pity and fear
And all the dreams that haven't dried up
Are slowly drowning in your tears
In your tears

Just don't forget
That it's dumb luck that got you here
Don't fool yourself
Misfortunes waiting for the best time to appear
To make it clear
That all the courage and the talent that you have
Was just in dreams
And when you wake up
You will beg to get it back
To get it back

Isn't this just SOOOO true? Life is a little bit of talent, faith and dumb luck.



Norway- Beach House

We were sleeping till
You came along
With your tiny heart
You let us in the wooden house
To share in all the wealth

Don't you know it's true?

Seven figures leap the hungry mouths
The beast, he comes to you
He's a hunter for a lonely heart
In the season of the sun

Don't you know it's true?

Where you thinking that you got to run to now
With the beating of a tiny heart?
Hang on to the things that you're supposed to say
Millions of stars, they open to your fate



Life is a beach. Or a highway.

It's funny how your mood changes when you escape your normal daily setting.

On a normal day, life is fast-paced, busy, hectic, annoying, loud, appointment-packed...etc. You wake up, shower (hopefully), dress, kiss the dogs good bye and head to wherever you're going. Bam bam bam. It's clockwork. Everyone comes home, moves like zombies around the house fixing and eating dinner. You vegetate on the couch in front of a big glowing bow with pictures moving around it. Then you crawl to your bedroom and drift off into a semi-deep sleep.

Daily life is like a drive on I-95.

And then you go to the beach!

You wake up whenever you want to. Lookin' like a hot mess. Go out to the balcony and breathe in the sea air. Get dressed on your own time and head to the beach whenever the mood strikes. No time crunch. Spend the day next to the water....the sun rejuvenating your tired body. Walk back to your condo when you're lobsterfied and take your time getting ready for dinner. Everyone is all smiles. Red cheeks and foreheads, but smiles. Shorts and t-shirts are acceptable attire. You eat somewhere on the water and reflect the day.

For a few days, life is no longer a bitch. But rather, a beach.

Everyone needs a little sunshine once and a while :)


I haven't vanished!

There has been A LOT going on these past two weeks. Hence the absence.

1. Saw Eclipse. AWESOME. I joked with my sister that I was team Bella... HAHA. But I was actually serious.

2. Family Reunion. AMAZING time. Traveled to East Bumble-Phuck, Indiana. (more on this later)
3. Goofy Grandma comes TOMORROW! Cleaning house and running errands for moms and pops.

Family Reunion time. Finally made it there after 10 hours and 5 extremely poopy, disgusting diapers. I was rather hesitant about going up there because, after all, it ISSSSS Pekin, Indiana. Population like what, 300? Half of who are somehow related to the Phillips. Weiiiiird.

I decided to stay with my Dad's half sister and her husband at one of our Indiana family member's house. Good choice. The house was pretty pimp. All of the houses are weird in Indiana. For example, the folks I stayed with...in their upstairs room (yes one bedroom upstairs) had a NICE triangle jacuzzi tub in it. No wall. Just right there next to the bed. Directly in front of the door. Ooookkkkkk. Lol.

The downstairs was cool though. I stayed in their kids' room. My cousins I guess. Well, one of my cousins, who is maybe 5 or 6, was OBSESSED with me. She followed me around the entire time, told everyone we were best friends, gave me some silly bands to wear for the weekend, waved to me if she was more than a foot away from me...oh and the best one of them all.... Walked into her room and goes "Mmmm it smells good in here." I said "Oh yea?" She goes "Yea!!! It smells like you." I was like OK looks like I'm locking the door tonight when I go to sleep. To make things worse, my Aunt Kendra who is about 5 or 6 years older than me was giving me constant shit about it the whole time hahahaha. The whole family was in on it. It was....strange, for lack of a better word.

First night there was awesome. Went in to Louisville, KY to an outdoor, free concert with Steel Magnolias headlining. Got crunk with the country cousins and their significant others. Good times. Second day was good. Hot. Outside all day at my Great Aunt and Uncle's house with everyone. Cornhole, tons of food, and fishing. Check out what I caught.

Sweet, eh? I thought so. It was about a  3 pounder.

The next day was at the house I was staying at. Went to church that morning. There about 20 of us there. Sweet. Came home and it was pool time! Had a hilarious volleyball game with a bunch of the family. Katie flashed everyone on the other team. Mom suit=1 Katie=0 The next day we left...long drive home. The end.

Grandma is coming. Lila turns 1 on Sunday. Knights of Columbus that happened FAST!!!!!! I can't believe it. She is so close to walking. She sasses me around. Constantly haha. But I love it. I am going to take GG around to look at some potential houses. Next week, on Wednesday I believe, we're heading to the beach!!! Woot woot.

That's all for now. I have to finish cleaning house. Oh...and I still haven't written thank you cards. From my graduation. In May.

Hey, nobody's perfect.


Just a random thought...

If mexican restaurants have names like, Salsaritas, Mexicos, El Sombrero, Poblanos, Wholly Guacamole... Why don't American restaurants have names like Ketchups, Mustards, The Baseball Hat, Peeled Onion, etc?

And the same with Chinese... Bamboo House, Panda Express, Asian Wok.
Why are American ones not named Brick Mansion, Black Bear Express, American Frying Pan?

I'm just sayin...


The G-Spout

No that is not a typo. I'm sitting here with the pups, downloading some music from my external drive to my dad's computer, while watching tv. I'm totally not really paying attention to the tv when my ears hear "Your kids will the love the (I thought I heard) g-spot. There is no mess and the g-spot won't drip all over you counter"

WHAT THE......?!?!?!?!?!

So I look up and see that the product is called the "G-Spout," and is a rubber thing that you attach to pots, pans and mixing bowls.

Whoever came up with that is a sick, sick person LOL That might have just made my day.

"It's good for your family"
"Doesn't that look delicious?"
"No more sticky balls."

LMAOOOOOO You can't make this stuff up. Check out the video below!
The G-Spout Commercial


The Art of Manipulation

I just read an article on ESPN that made me sick. Literally my stomach started churning. In a sentence, a women's college basketball coach was recently fired because of player mistreatment and a losing record after numerous seasons.

LaVonda Wagner was the coach. While I was being recruited by just about everyone, she was the top assistant and recruiter at Duke. Back then, Duke was my DREAM school, but they weren't recruiting me as heavily as UConn or any of the others. It bugged me, but I look back now and I'm thankful because it would have been another bad situation for me. While this coach was at Duke, so was the former head coach Gail Goestenkors. She was known as an infamous hardass and overall royal pain in the ass. I was used to asshole coaches though.

During recruiting, you work closely with the assistants more so than the head coach. It is their job to attract you to the program and lay the foundation for the head coach to close the deal. Unfortunately, as I found out the hard way, most of the assistants are master manipulators and are full of shit. They are so buddy-buddy, hey we're your best friend when you come here, while they are recruiting you. But boy once you set foot on campus...it's all over. You become just another piece of a puzzle. Your feelings don't matter. Your personal needs don't matter. It's awful. You're just a being on a squad of robots controlled by their coaches.

But not everywhere. I was lucky enough to experience both ends of the spectrum, and it taught me A LOT for what I want to do in the future. My assistants at UConn were terrible. The only person I ever felt who actually cared about me the tiniest bit was Tonya. She later became the head coach at Temple, which was in the A10 with Richmond, so I was able to see her and talk to her about everything. But I digress- My assistants at Richmond were amazing. They listened to you, they were always available to you to talk about anything. Richmond was a mid-major. Connecticut was a 'major.'

LaVonda Wagner left Duke for the head coaching job at Oregon State. It is in a major conference, so it is considered a major institution. When I read the story yesterday, my heart was flooded with anger. She intimidated her players, controlled them a number of ways...one example was that she told a girl on her team who weighed 165lbs that she would have to go on Weight Watchers or else she was kicking her off the team. A number of these examples brought back a lot of memories for me. Things like being forced to play though injuries...making YOU think that YOU'RE crazy or that YOU'RE WEAK for even hinting at the fact that you are in pain. It is such bull shit!

At the conclusion of this season, 8 players left her team, leaving her roster with 4 players on it. WOW. Since she began her tenure there, 15 people have left the program. Players, coaches and support staff. I am SO happy that the school stepped in.

My dream job is to be a college coach one day. My experiences, although hard at times and good at others, have given me perspective on how I need to act as a coach. I don't ever want to be something or someone I'm not to a kid I'm recruiting. Even if I am at a major school, I will never lie or manipulate a kid into thinking they are getting into something completely different than they really are. I won't do that. I don't know how those coaches sleep at night. I really don't.

To the coaches who are called out on it, I hope you realize that you destroy and alter people's lives. And for what? Winning a freaking game. Nothing is worth putting someone through that. The athlete and the family suffer. Luckily for me, my family helped me be stronger than that.

"Ooh I can't stand people who are not considadet" -Glozell


Holiday weekends and diets just don't go together

The folks were out of town... the neighbors were in party mode... there was a wine festival... It was Memorial Day weekend. The pools were open for the first time this spring/summer. People, both the old and creaky and the young and spunky, were stoked for summer's kickoff.

I didn't overindulge on food this weekend, but I definitely broke the diet rules. But honestly, it is very hard during a holiday to stay on track.

Saturday was a great day!! I went to the North Carolina Wine Festival with my sister and bro in-law. It was my first, so I was kind of excited for it. It was funny to see a bunch of country folk outdoors trying to act sophisticted. That's pretty hard when you walk around asking, "You got any of that there sweet wine?" I mean really dudes?? First of all it is North Carolina wine...its ALLLLL sweet. Or Muscadine. ::gags:: But seriously...don't try to act sophisticated. Just enjoy yourself!

The overall experience was good. It was just hot. Very hot. As in sweat dripping down my buttcrack hot. Ok, sorry TMI. After a couple hours of tasting, everything started to taste the same. So we bounced.

Then there was the night time get together with the neighbors. Holy hot tub party. There were many adult beverages consumed... And woop woop sha doop we had a gooooood time.

The next day was spent at the pool with one of my neighbors and their family. Lots of fun in the sun :)

I'm getting a sudden case of ADD, so I'm going to stop writing for now.

Oh look, a bug on the floor.


And so it begins...

Greetings, world!!

Yesterday marked the start of my diet. My father and I are using "The Idiot Proof Diet." Here's to hoping that name stands true.

My whole debaucle began in high school. I was diagnosed with a navicular stress fracture during my junior year. Long story short, it never seemed to heal properly, so I was still dealing with it when I went to college. I was a top-20 basketball recruit and I signed with UConn. I reported to UConn right after HS graduation... and then life really took a quirky turn.

Another long (rrrrreally long) story short, 'officials' there accused me of faking my foot injury. Test after test resulted in nothing... To deal with the pain, I received well over 15 cortisone injections in my foot. Basically that only masked the pain for about a day or so, which meant I was participating in grueling activity with a foot that had no business being subjected to that. Oh...and the best part? I later found out that only TWO SHOTS(!!!) had ever been documented in my medical records from UConn. Awesome.

I transferred. There were other reasons, but I don't want to get into all that. I landed in Richmond, VA at the University of Richmond. The head coach there recruited me in high school while he was an assistant at another institution. He knew everything that had happened at UConn, and extended his hand to me and offered me the opportunity of a lifetime. My trainers there (with the exception of the asshole strength and conditioning coach) were commited to figuring out what was going on with my foot.

During my first two years there, I continued to struggle with my foot. I was in and out of practice. I wore boots and braces. I was on crutches... You name it, we tried it. Bless my foot doctor's heart...he was simply baffled. But my life changed in March of 2009. My doctor finally referred me to an old teacher of his: Dr. James Nunley...a saint as I call him. I spoke with my athletic trainer and my coaches and decided to drive down to Duke Medical Center and meet with this doctor to get his opinion. I was EXTREMELY nervous, as were my parents. I couldn't take another "well...I'm not really sure what to tell you." After a quick glance at my X-RAYS(!!!!!), Dr. Nunley simply said, "Oh...torn spring ligament."

Oh holy hell, was he serious? No MRI, no CT Scan, no Bone Scan....a freaking x-ray showed him everything he needed. He said he could tell because my right foot was totally out of alignment. There was no option...if I wanted to walk later in life, my only option was surgery. Career ending surgery O___o It was like an atomic bomb explosion of emotion. I smiled, I cried, I was scared, disappointed and pleased all at the same time.

The surgery required a MINIMUM full year of recovery. After surgery, it was 3 months non weight bearing. Then, it was like learning to walk again. Awful... The surgery itself was actually a pretty good experience considering. If you are squimish, don't read this next part. The surgical procedure was CRAZY!! I would still love to see a video of this. It went something like this:

Step 1- Take a bone saw to Kristen's heel (calcaneous) and cut in half.
Step 2- Turn her foot sideways and make an H-cut on torn ligament and stitch together.
Step 3- Insert cadaver bone into Kristen's heel to realign the bones.

Simple right? hahaha. Here was the result when my cast was taken off.

I was forced to give up playing basketball...not just because of that surgery, but I also tore the labrum in both of my shoulders at various times. It was later determined that I was so prone to injury because of a genetic disease known as ED...haha no no not THAT ED...but Ehlers-Danlos. It is a disease of the soft tissue, and it makes your joints very suseptible to injury. So....3 surgeries = end of playing days.

This also meant, LONNNNNG periods of time without being to work out. My in-season, playing weight was usually around 185-190. In the summer, I got "fat" and weighed in around 200 because I wasn't as active. Well folks, today I weigh ::huge sigh and a shake of the head:: 223 pounds. I swore it would never happen to me, but here I am.

I want to be hot again. Because, damn...I was. So now I am commited to shedding these pounds. One pound at a time. I'm excited and not looking forward to it all at the same time. I love food...darn. But I digress...I am now on the Idiot Proof Diet (IPD) and I'm ready to do the damn thing. I'll let you know how things are going soon.