
Life Update

AAU season is unofficially over for the fall. I say that because we will continue to practice, but only once a week as more of a skills session, rather than a game preparation mentality. I couldn't have asked for a better response from all the girls in regards to the changes they faced. I came in, challenged them and kicked their butts. Most of them caught on pretty quick. Some of them haven't caught on...mostly because of their parents.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with their progression. I had my doubts after our first tournament, but after a few changes on my part in what we worked on in practice, they really came around. We played for a championship in our last tournament against the defending State  Champions--lost by 13. That is HUGE considering my team, in the past, lost to them by 40 or 50 every time. We turned a lot of heads in the past two weeks.

Apparently I'm a good coach? I was approached by a lot of people at our last two tournaments congratulating me on the job I've done in turning the team around. Remarkable and unbelievable were a couple of the words thrown around. It wasn't all me, however. My assistant and I work extremely well together. Still, though...we are only a small part. We can only guide them...we can't play for them. They are the ones out on the court every game. The turn around is because of how they bought in to our coaching. Gee I'm proud :-)

Because of all of this, I've had a multitude of coaching offers from some of the area high schools. I decided the best opportunity for me would be at Oak Ridge Military Academy. There is a lot of talent there, that I can help prepare for college. Plus...I'll get to become involved with college coaches again. AKA get my name out there for my dream job.

Practice for that is underway... Excluding their terrible attitudes, it's great! haha. More on that as it unfolds. I'm heading up to Richmond this weekend to see old friends. I miss that place!!!

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