
Time flies...

Time never ceases to amaze me.

It can crawl by or fly by at lightning speed. It always seems that the bad things in life are the times that go by the slowest. Why is it that the good things can't seem to last that long.

For example...

You meet someone and totally hit it off. Like out of the park. The two of you share one of those indescribable connections. Its baffling. Fast forward one week.  You're still talking...even more so now. During a conversation, you both realize, "Oh wow...we've only known each other a week..." In one week, you've both uncovered so much about the other, and really strong feelings have evolved. One week....you feel like you've known each other for years.

That's where I am. In one week, things have been all over the place! Been on highs, been on lows. Worked through some shit and grown stronger. In the week that I've known this person, I've experienced so many things and I love it.

A lot can happen in a week. I decided to move out. Told my family on Tuesday and was moved in by Saturday. How's that for fast? An opportunity arose and I had to take it. It was the right time in my life and I'm loving it. I woke up yesterday feeling a little weird about things...I'm sure that will happen a few more times, but the bottom line is, I am ready. I needed this. My parents needed this. It is a great situation. I'm in a gorgeous, huge house with an awesome roommate I work with. We get along so well. The neighborhood is safe and quiet. Did I mention the house is awesome?

I am out on my own, and for the first time in a while I just feel really good. I feel like I'm on my own two feet. I know things will get stressful...I've always worked better with my back against the wall.

I just have to make sure I balance everything in my life... which can be challenging.


Kings of Leon

If  you like good music...download the newest Kings of Leon CD. It's different, and until a few weeks ago, I hadn't given it a chance.

I'm sitting here in pajamas at 10:00 on a Saturday night. I have people texting me who are about to go out and party. For once, I don't really envy them.  No, I'm perfectly content sitting here writing this blog, waiting on the next text to light up my phone.

Yesterday night and today were amazing. The stupid shit that life hits you with had no affect on me today. I am high on life right now. Truth is, I'm petrified to be happy about it.

It is probably too early to read into things, but for those of you that read this, there might just be someone new appearing in my coming posts. It just kind of depends. Right now...things are looking good. Great. Perfect. Amazing.

I have butterflies in my stomach for the first time in a long time. I love it. I love that people can do that to you.

This is short and sweet, but I am just so happy in this moment. Beaming! Grinning from ear to ear...thoughts a'racing. Butterflies fluttering. Kings of Leon reminding me of all the great things from the past 24 hours.

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You know when...

Just when you think there is no possibility of anything even remotely exciting ever happening to your life again.... something gives you a glimmer of hope :)

I have plenty of other exciting things going on, like coaching...but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about deeper stuff.

I feel like sometimes I'm afraid to let myself be too happy or get my hopes up too high, because, well let's face it... there has been a lot of let down in my life. Not on my family's part or anything like that. I'm talking about things that I saw potential in that didn't pan out and left me scratching my head and...sad? I don't know if that's the right word, but the angry grumbling creature in my stomach demanding lunch is distracting me from the plethora of vocabulary words that normally circulate in my head.

Nothing is more disappointing than getting your hopes up for something, and then never getting to feel it, see it, really have it in your life. This is why I try not to get excited about things so much anymore. I feel like if I downplay it to outsiders (and try to fool myself into thinking its not a huge deal) that somehow, it actually WILL turn out the way I secretly desire. Or perhaps this is just me "going with the flow" from now on.

I'm still very confused about this part of me. Why are we afraid to be happy? I guess I just can't stand the remote possibility of feeling let down anymore. That feeling has smacked me between the eyes one time too many in my life.

I have patiently (tossing and turning at night, naggy blogging) been waiting for something new and interesting to come into my life. I am right on the verge of something slight. But right now, slight is HUGE. All I've wanted to do is meet new people and make new friends at home. Life after college is tough when you're ripped away from your group of friends, and thrown back into a place you haven't lived for four years. It's kind of like..."Ok, what now?" I'm slowly starting to branch out. Meeting people. Most people think I'm some huge extrovert, but deep down inside, I'm a little shy when it comes to being proactive about "finding" new people. I mean, that last statement alone sounds so "40 year-old virginish." Bottom line is....I'm getting there, and each day is more exciting than the last.

I will patiently wait to see how all of this pans out.

( . /\ . ) ps- someone said this is supposed to look like boobs...anyone seeing this?



Oh my gosh I'm such a MORON!

How could I forget to include in the updates that....drumroll please....


That's right....I get to be an aunt to another beautiful little boy or girl! Lila doesn't really know what all of this means yet, but in 7 more months, it will all become a little more clear.

She has labeled me "Shten" As in Krishten. She gets on the phone and says "Hiiii Shten." Maybe she will master Aunt Kristen by the time baby number 2 arrives :)

I'm just elated for my sister and brother in-law right now! I cornered my sister in my office a few weeks ago and said "Something's up...what's going on?" She said nothing, so I informed her that she is the world's worst liar so she needed to come clean before I forced it out of her. I asked if she was pregnant and she said no. She then left my office and came back, pulled a pee-stick (that was capped people) out of her pocket and handed it to me. PREGGERS!

I had to hold the secret in until she told my parents and family. That was hard.... She decided to tell everyone by putting her little girl up to it... check out the link and see the picture :) Lila



I got called out today but one, Ms. Brittany Hunter, for not blogging in a while.

She is correct. It's been a while... Busy doesn't even begin to describe my life lately. Loving it, but very tired.

Here are some updates:

Oak Ridge bball is going well. First scrimmage tomorrow. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable there every day. The girls are really starting to come around and listen to all of us coaches. Still...I miss my little 11 year olds. Much more of a joy to be around!

Job is going well. Went last week to take my state Property and Casualty test. Failed thT son of a bitch by one damn point. With that test you have to get a 70 to pass. Most people score right at or just above 70. Had a damn 69, so now I have to go again.

Grandma is officially moved to NC. Her new townhome is kickass and I'm actually looking at building a custom one in the same complex for myself.

Got a new dog! His name is Louie and he's absolutely adorable. Pics are on facebook!

Lastly, had the best Halloween ever! I dressed up as Joan Jett and was completely badass!!!

Other than that, nothing. Been a busy little bee! I'll write more when I'm not so comatose feeling. Besides my SLIGHT wine buzz is beginning to wear off which means nothing juicy.

Was that enough Honey B? :-)