
Time flies...

Time never ceases to amaze me.

It can crawl by or fly by at lightning speed. It always seems that the bad things in life are the times that go by the slowest. Why is it that the good things can't seem to last that long.

For example...

You meet someone and totally hit it off. Like out of the park. The two of you share one of those indescribable connections. Its baffling. Fast forward one week.  You're still talking...even more so now. During a conversation, you both realize, "Oh wow...we've only known each other a week..." In one week, you've both uncovered so much about the other, and really strong feelings have evolved. One week....you feel like you've known each other for years.

That's where I am. In one week, things have been all over the place! Been on highs, been on lows. Worked through some shit and grown stronger. In the week that I've known this person, I've experienced so many things and I love it.

A lot can happen in a week. I decided to move out. Told my family on Tuesday and was moved in by Saturday. How's that for fast? An opportunity arose and I had to take it. It was the right time in my life and I'm loving it. I woke up yesterday feeling a little weird about things...I'm sure that will happen a few more times, but the bottom line is, I am ready. I needed this. My parents needed this. It is a great situation. I'm in a gorgeous, huge house with an awesome roommate I work with. We get along so well. The neighborhood is safe and quiet. Did I mention the house is awesome?

I am out on my own, and for the first time in a while I just feel really good. I feel like I'm on my own two feet. I know things will get stressful...I've always worked better with my back against the wall.

I just have to make sure I balance everything in my life... which can be challenging.

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