
Blame the plague

This has been quite a busy month for me. Sorry for the staggering number in posts. I'll do better, I promise!

I started working FULL TIME for Smart Choice! I'm very excited. It just so happened that a place/job for me opened up due to some new ideas in the company. Hard work pays off. This has been a true testament of that. You work hard and produce good work, things are going to happen.

I got my own office and everything. My office is known as 'the bunker' given its location. You'd have to see it to understand. But it is very swanky and comfortable.

This past week was rather challenging. My sister and I contracted what I am now calling the plague. It started out as a ferocious sore throat. Well...Tylenol and Advil didn't touch the pain in our throats. Due to meetings and trainings allll week, we were unable to take proper care of ourselves. Two nights of dinner out with clients (complete with 100 dollar bottle of wines and copious amounts of delicious food) made for long days and short sleep nights. Not a good combo for the sick and feeble.  By Friday, we were both at the doctor's office. She had the beginning of a sinus infection. I had the remnants of one because she said my throat was "terrible looking." By that time Katie had already lost her voice. Mine was on the fritz. So, off to work we went with antibiotics and senses of humor in tact.  Saturday morning I felt ok. She still didn't have a voice. Mine was still on and off. Well...Saturday night my neighbor was having a birthday party. Outside. It was a tad muggy, but NOTHING like the majority of the summer has been so it was pleasant. I felt like my ear had been a little plugged all day, but by the time twilight came, it had gotten much worse. My voice was going and my ear was filling with what felt like cotton by the minute. Around 10:30 I called it a night and headed home. I had some water and headed to bed feeling weird. I woke up around 3:00. The fullness in my ear was driving me NUTS. Laying in bed, I burped and thought someone had driven a pencil through my ear. OMG, ya'll it hurt so bad. So I was like, "ok, enough...time to unclog my ear." I went downstairs, boiled some water and sat over it so the steam raised into my ear. 20 minutes later, nothing had worked and I was getting more miserable by the second. Time to go do something about it. I didn't want to wake my parents, so I thought that I would just leave a note and drive myself to the new mini-ER down the road from the house. But then I figured Mom would kill me if she found out, so I went upstairs and asked her what to do. One of the perks of still living at home is that you can waltz into your parents' room in the middle of the night and say, "Mommmm I don't feel goooood." I don't complain about that kind of stuff unless I am REALLY not doing so well. So my awesome Mom got up and got dressed (make-up and all, oh mom...) and we headed to the ER.

What a nice facility. We were the only ones there. In about ten minutes, I was already in an exam room. The doctor comes in and wants to look in my ears. My right one was fine. He went around to the other side and I moaned "pleeeeeease be careful when you go in there." He was but he said, "Oh dear! Your ear looks horrible. Your ear drum is majorly inflamed and red." Yippee. My throat infection spread into my ear giving me a middle ear infection. Also, at this point, my voice was COMPLETELY gone. He said if my ear drum ruptured I would feel instant relief, but that doctors no longer do that. Ok? I was thinking. So the nurse (a flaming, articulate gay man who was SO cool) came in with 2.5 doses of steroids for me to take and my prescription for new antibiotics and some light pain meds for my ears. I hate pain meds. More on that in a few.

So male nurse explains where there are 24-hr pharmacies, so mom and I load up and hit the road to get them filled. By this time, my ear is in major meltdown mode and I am more miserable than I was before we got to the hospital. We get the prescriptions and I tear into them like a hyena on a warthog.

Get home around 5:15. Mom puts me in bed and I sleep til 10 or so. Now...I don't like pain meds because of how I feel without them once they've been in my body. For some reason, I have severe withdrawls from them. So...Sunday Mom and Dad went to church and I stayed home on the couch fighting off bouts of nausea. Fun. Apparently though, Z-packs can really upset your stomach too. Didn't know that. So that could have been part of it.

This brings us to today. My voice is somewhat back, but not completely. I took my second round of antibiotics this morning. My sister is on the same thing (might have mentioned this already, IDK!!) and she had to come in late because her stomach didn't agree with it this morning. She actually threw up. Me? No my stomach waited for me to get to work. I think I've already lost 10 pounds this morning. Fun times. Hopefully my body adjusts and I feel MUCH better by Thursday. We are leaving for a family vacation on Thursday. Can't believe the summer is already over. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy about it though. SO sick of hot weather. Bring on the fall baby!

Shout out to all my Richmond kids heading back to school today. Can't believe I don't get to do that this year. It's CRAZY!

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