
Who's the parent and who's the child?

It kills me when I can't make that distinction.

I love coaching basketball, but God do I hate the drama that somehow always finds its' way into things. I don't get why parents lose site of what AAU is about. It's not rec league...it is designed to be highly competitive. Hence why it is a tad pricey.

AAU is about learning a higher level of basketball. It is about figuring out if basketball is really what your passion is. It is designed to take the kids who are serious about playing basketball on to the next level. It becomes very clear at a certain age who is going to make it, and who doesn't have a chance. Right now, my team is split. I have half who could really go somewhere and half that don't have a snowball's chance in hell at making it.

Out of the goodness of my heart, I kept the girls who are in it for the social aspect as a nice gesture. So they could travel and have a blast with their friends on the team. That is, unless the parent is unhappy. When the parent(s) is/are unhappy, it wears on the kid. When the parents start acting like children, it affects the actual kid. They hear their parents bitch about things like playing time, and suddenly something the kid never thought of is now a big issue in their mind. Now they lose sight of the 'team aspect' and focus all their attention on their role or lack thereof.

Parents are psychotic. Plain and simple. I get that a parent's love for their child is only something a parent will understand....but COME ON. They HAVE to see that their daughter freaking SUCKS at basketball, and that I'm actually doing her a favor by not playing her...otherwise she would embarrass herself.

Whatever...I hate drama...especially amongst 'adults.'

So over today...scratch that...just ready to be at home tonight talking to the one person who makes me feel better about everything.

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