
Ready for Fall

This morning I slowly awoke from my deep slumber full of vivid dreams of things to come and hopeful scenarios. I hit snooze twice and almost fell back asleep for good when I turned my alarm off...but I reluctantly threw off the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Put on some clothes and headed out to the living room to get Lexi on her leash and take her out. She squealed with delight that it was finally time to wake up and go outside. As soon as I opened the door I was pleasantly surprised..

Instead of a firey inferno scorching me to death and a thick cloud of humidity filling my lungs, I took a deep breath and realized...OMG it's like fall out!! It was dry, cool and there was a light breeze blowing. This summer has been one of the hottest that I can remember. Seriously... Thank God for moving to the apartment and having a pool because otherwise it would have been miserable!

There is supposed to be a little bit of a cool off next week. And by cool off, I mean upper 80s, which at this point feels like heaven. Hopefully it triggers a trend and we slowly start to ease into the cool, crisp fall weather that I love sooo much. I'm sure we will get one or two more blasts of hot ass weather, but for real....it's time for a change of weather. I think our pool closes the first weekend of September :( So it better start cooling off!!!!

Even though the Kings of Leon weekend didn't work out, Sarah and I still had a good one. Not that any weekend with her is ever bad, but we were both REALLY looking forward to that concert. We hung out at my apartment, went to Wine Styles and dinner, and overall just enjoyed spending time with each other. Her birthday is in less than two weeks; which is also the next time I'll see her. And probably the last time before she heads off to Europe for ten days. Mehh... September is going to be tough. But we always seem to figure something out, so hopefully September isn't an exception.

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