
People Call Us Renegades 'cause We Like Living CRAZY!

Holy moly...

Let me pause to take a deep breath, blink and really think about the past 3-4 days of my life!

This weekend was Sarah's birthday and it was, in one word, GREAT! I rented a boat and we spent the day on High Rock Lake with friends. The weather was beautiful and I couldn't have asked for a better day. I toook Monday off to spend with her. And then we launched one of our crazy schemes...

Her parents were leaving to go out of town on Monday....soooooo I decided to drive down to Charlotte with her that afternoon and spend one more night together. Maybe I wouldn't have done it if the circumstances hadn't been what they are... But here's why:

Sarah leaves for Europe in a week. She will be gone for 10 days... That is 10 days that I will go without really getting to talk to her. In this day and age I can't REALLY complain because it seems like we are all always connected in one way or another through cell phones, emails, Facebook, etc...

But when I get up in the morning, she is the first person I think of (besides Lexi jingling her collar to go outside). We have this routine...and it's what I have come to love and know over the last 9 months. We talk on the phone on the way to work, on her way to/from lunch and on the way home. This is how every day goes unless we are in a stupid argument in which case we try really hard to ignore each other, even though the whole time it's killing us to do so. (Yea...humans are strange!)

It will be so weird, ick, disheartening, depressing, what have you...when I wake up in the morning and go to grab my phone to say hello. Or when 8:45 rolls around and she doesn't call because she's not leaving for work. Or when lunch time comes and goes. Or 6:00 rolls around and I don't get a ride home call. These are things that I don't really think about on a day to day basis...they just kind of are. But now that I know I won't have them, it makes me appreciate them that much more and truly realize what a HUGE part of my daily life she is.

This is the love that you sit and think about and can't even imagine your life without it. I was dog-tired yesterday from the weekend and having to get up at the crack of dawn to come back to Greensboro. My eyes burned all day and I felt sick to my stomach. Every lost second of sleep, every dollar that goes into my gas tank, every second of time that I have to wake up earlier is worth it for her.

We joke that we are crazy for some of the shit we do--but, I'm totally ok with it. The stories are fantastic and I doubt people will believe them one day. Every crazy thing I do/have done is driven by love. It is like love at all costs. Anyone who says it's a bad thing is probably just envious that they don't have what we have.

Are things easy and smooth sailing all the time? No, not at all. Just like everything in life, there are doubts, hard days and questions... but at the end of the day, the heart can't lie...

The brain can think what it wants, but the heart controls everything in the body.

I loved everything about this weekend...right down to the early morning drive back to Greensboro :)

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