

Everyone I follow on Blogger has been slacking severely in the blogging dept. Myself included I suppose. I guess it's just that time of year!

I have been a busy little bee since last Thursday!!!

Thursday was super duper special in that it was mine and Sarah's 6 month anniversary!!! I drove down to Charlotte and got us a room for the night. She met me there after work and it was just nice to spend the evening together enjoying each other's company and laughing and reminiscing about the past 6 months and everything we've done together. It was a great night :)

The next morning she had to leave for work and I had to leave for Myrtle Beach for my tournament. What a long and boring drive MB is. I listened to music the whole way and thought about how badly I wished Sarah were in the car next to me and going to the beach with me.

The tournament was good. We won the whole thing. The girls got to spend some time at the beach and at the pool at the hotel. We had good food and drinks the whole time. It was a much needed trip for the team, and I'm so happy everyone had such a fun time!

As much fun as it was, there was of course something missing. I was having a good time, but the whole time in my mind all I could think about was how I wanted to be enjoying it with Sarah. Until you feel this way about someone, it's easy to go away for the weekend and enjoy yourself blah blah blah. But in our case, it kind of sucks. You go places and do things and you just want to share it with the person you love. We've both been on beach trips now this year, but none together.

I'm pretty sure we're gonna find a way to make it happen though. I just want to be able to go and have that relaxed, sun-kissed, beachy feeling and be able to share it with her. I can't wait!!!

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