
I'm Here, You're There...But Here We Are

I woke up in a rather foul mood this morning for unknown reasons really. I wake up every morning missing Sarah, but today was more brutal than others for some reason. Just put me in a bad/weird mood for a little bit.  It also doesn't help that she's down at the beach soaking up the rays and I'm in flippin' Greesnboro staring at the cloudy skies.

Look weather, either or rain and storm or clear up. I don't mind storms, but this cloudy ish needs to stop. It's cramping my style!

It's hard when she goes on trips with her friends. I want her to go and have fun and all that jazz. But what gets me is that I want to be doing those things with her. I knew our schedules would probably be opposites this summer...which they more or less have been thus far. That's ok. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have definitely become a firm believer in this statement.

Being in a relationship where we have spent more time apart than we have together, yet still feeling the way we do for each other day in and day out has absolutely blown my mind. I know we are apart a lot, however it never really feels that way in the grand scheme of things. There are a million reminders every day. Certain songs and things I see that bring her to me. Even though miles separate us, nothing stands in the way of the feelings we share.

I've never ever felt things like this before. I'm not being cliche or corny. I just honestly have never felt this kind of thing before. Where I'm apart from someone, yet with them at the same time. I swear we have ESP or something. We think and say the same things at the same time. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason at all...something just wakes me up. And I either call her and she's up too, or we talk about it the next day and it happens that she was up at the same time. There are all these little things about us that add up to this HUGE connection we have that I believe won't be broken.

Bumps in the road? Sure...plenty. There will always be bumps. 50 years from now there will be bumps. I just love that even though I'm here...and she is there. We are always still together. It's an intriguing experience. Something I've never known, but am so glad to go through.

Every day, every day, every day...we are with each other every day.

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