

Last night I had the privilege of watching one of the most interesting and beautiful sunsets I've yet to see at my new apartment. My building sits on the third highest point in Greensboro and offers a a wide open view of the west and north, including the entire airport property. Day in and day out, when I get home from work, I get to sit back and prop my feet up and watch the sun go down and the planes take off. It is truly remarkable some days... like last night.

So I'm kind of a weather geek and get overly excited when it's going to storm. I've been obsessed with weather since I can remember. Some kids drew smiley faces on their Light Brights... Well this kid pretended it was a radar screen and would use the little colored pegs to create "storm cells." Told you...I'm a weather geek! Whatever...

The weather was weird this weekend. It was supposed to storm and rain the whole time, but instead of was just overcast but never really rained or stormed consistently. But on Sunday, the skies cleared a little and allowed the sun to peak through until late afternoon, when a shower came through and a front approached. When I got home yesterday evening, I could see some storms forming in the distance as the sun set.

It was gorgeous and this picture really doesn't do it justice. I sat there, in the still air and watched as the sun slowly continued to sink towards the horizon. It was the slowest moving storm I've ever seen form. But as the sun continued to go down, it only got prettier.

With the last rays of the sun barely peeking over the mountains in the horizon, the clouds grew darker and darker. I was annoying the pure hell out of my roommate by demanding he come watch this sunset too. I mean, it was just too cool to not watch. So there we sat. Him watching quietly and peacefully, while I rambled on and on about how cool the clouds looked.

With the sun virtually gone, the clouds really popped and looked both ominous and beautiful at the same time. It still appeared way off in the distance, but I could see the various rain bands. We continued to sit there and talk...I continued ooh-ing and aww-ing over the sight in front of me. Finally it got close enough to where you could really see the details in the clouds. At one point, the edge of the storm looked like there were 3 or 4 funnel clouds dropping. They were only really low clouds, but it was still neat to look at. But finally it got so close it looked like I could reach out and touch the clouds.

This picture makes it look like it was still far away, but trust me, it looked as though it was right in front of my face just inches from the balcony. As it closed in, I told Jacob that this was my favorite part and he asked why. I love when you're sitting there waiting on a storm. You can hear it in the distance, but where you are the air is still and quiet...sometimes sticky with humidity. But then the most amazing part happens. All of a sudden it's there. You hear the first nice gust of wind rustle the leaves in the all the surrounding trees. The air drastically changes in a matter of seconds and then it hits you. That cool breeze sweeps across your face and it's like a breath of fresh air.

No matter what kind of day I'm having, when that happens it instantly soothes my soul and brings about this inner peace. It's as if my busy world rewards me with that moment of instant refreshment. 

Well this has been one of my more dorky posts, but whatever. I appreciate the little things...and weather is just one of those things that will forever fascinate me!

Happy Monday...bring on the storms!!!

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