
The Dog Days Are Just Beginning

Spring is going by so fast....bringing the dog days of summer for sure!

Life is going to be pretty busy until the middle of June. I guess that's a good thing, because it helps time go faster. Yes, I'm talking about time away from those you want to be around. It's hard to be apart. Especially when both of you are out doing things that you want to do and share with each other. I am SO looking forward to the day where that changes and we're actually together doing all of these things. I see it happening sooner rather than later.

Basketball is slowly coming to an end. States start tonight. After that, I believe we have 3 more tournaments..including one in Myrtle Beach and one in Wilmington. YAY!

I want to make a trip down to the beach with my friends and Sarah before this summer is a wrap. Just not sure when I can get everyone together. It always seems like someone has a conflict. 

I'm just ready to spend some time outside. I'm always cooped up in an office under the fluorescent lights...the only sun I get during the week is at lunch if we go somewhere and eat outside. I'm ready for water and cold beer. Sunburns and sunsets. I'm ready for a lot of things actually...

I hate feeling anxious..

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