
Waking Up For October

I wrote a post called Wake Me Up When September ends... Welp, September is just about over and I feel like it's time to wake up!!!!

The stuff I worried about all September is all behind me now. Things that I dreamed about are becoming a reality and it is truly awesome. I was talking with my roommate about it last night and I was telling him that I'm really happy, but am so so so afraid to just BE happy. I feel like I keep myself in check by thoughts like this. It's like I gain the world's respect because I keep in mind that sometimes the rug can be pulled out from under you.

I don't know...I'm just so used to always dealing with some sort of hassle that I am terrified when things go my way. It's sad that's the kind of world we live in. But, I am very very happy with how things have gone.

Sarah is moving here. Right after Europe, she got a job. Which is what we both hoped for. It's been such an amazing ride these last 10 months and I really can't wait to have her here. Not 90 miles apart. Not an hour and a half away. It's such a relaxing feeling...

Other than dealing with the hassles of moving and the like, I think she's very happy with all of this. There's so many things I can't wait to experience. It sounds odd, but I can't wait  for the little tiffs, the times where we're annoyed with each other...all of that stuff that makes you appreciate the other more. I can't wait for sunrises and sunsets, fun times with friends, lazy weekends, good days, bad days, dates, arguments and endless laughter, celebrating with friends and making new ones... It's going to be an amazing journey.

On another note, this weekend is the last AAU tournament of the fall. I'm happy because I need my weekends right now. The weather is turning beautiful and it's time to enjoy it. Not be in a gym all day. Can't! Wait!

I'm ready to crack the windows and welcome all the new fresh air that's blowing my way...

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