
My Roomie

Love seems to be flowing all around me these days... Maybe it's the changing seasons or something...not sure. The weather has everyone feelin' frisky!! :)

Today my roommate took a huge step in his life. Well...it started with a ring that he purchased. Yes...THE ring. For his wonderful girlfriend of five years. Today he officially asked her parents for her hand in marriage. He was nervous, but we sat down and talked about it last night. So proud of him today :) He really is like a brother to me...I consider him family, so this was a big day!! They met in high school and have been dating ever since. Marisol is a quiet, sweet young woman. Together, they have this simple but infectious love for each other that is blatantly obvious to anyone around them. They have their fights, their days where they can't stand each other... But at the end of the day, it's the kind of love that embraces those moments. They are younger than me, but act older than they are. Jacob is the kind of guy I would want my son to be like. Responsible, brave, independent, hard working, warm, kindhearted and strong. He is proposing this month and I can't wait to share their joy. The engagement comes as no surprise, but it is still an exciting time for them. I wish them a lifetime of abundant happiness and love!

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