
Longest. Afternoon. Ever.

I feel like I woke up and started this day yesterday.... This morning feels like it was eons ago.

It wasn't that bad until I ate lunch. I'm now sitting (and by sitting I mean basically reclined in my chair so that my head doesn't even reach the top of my chair) in my office watching the minutes slowly trickle off the clock. I can usually deal with the food coma that ensues after a big meal...but when combined with a slew of allergy symptoms, the result is lethal.

Every 5 minutes my eyes tear up and I sneeze several times. Then I rub my eyes and feel even more tired than I was 5 minutes ago. I never really whine...today is the exception, however, because I have literally resorted to slapping my face to stay awake. Probably not a bad idea to head out early today... All my work is done..

The only thing getting me through this afternoon: a diet coke, StumbleUpon and my vivid daydreams.

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