
What A Week..

This has been quite a week. Remember how I said I was afraid to be happy? Well, life is quick to remind you that it is still there, lurking suspiciously around the corner waiting to surprise you and burst your little happy bubble. Let's recap:

Trey's car was towed
Apartment screws up our rent payment
Apartment informs us that we won't get referral credit after they told us we would
Motorcycle scheduled to be towed, NOT towed
Front brakes on car are shot
Basketball parents go crazy....EVEN AFTER WE WON (wtf?)

These are just a few of the things going on. Tonight, I'm heading down to Charlotte to stay with Sarah and move some things up tomorrow. Her parents will be there. Both of them. I am beyond nervous. I can't put a finger on exactly what it is I'm nervous about. It's the first time I've met them THIS way. Last time I saw them was Easter...before they knew who I really was and before Sarah told them everything. I really do like her parents a lot; I'm both excited and nervous to see them. I know it's different for moms and dads. Moms understand their children in a different way than a father does. The bonds you form between the two are different.

I just want to be taken seriously. That this isn't just some THING. I sure as hell don't take this lightly... I'm just trying to remember to breathe. I'm sure my pulse will be racing, my palms will be sweaty, I'll be speaking quickly, but I NEED to do this. It's time for it to happen.

I'm just going to be myself...or the nervous version of myself haha

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