
Harboring Hatred

I'm harboring a deep hatred for the world today. It scares me how angry I am right now. Hatred can destroy a person. This is the hate that could in fact destroy me. If you have ever put pressure on someone to be a certain way or do certain things that the world deems 'the norm,' then you get a big 'ol FUCK YOU!

Fuck all of the people that don't know how to love themselves right, so they make everyone else miserable and drag them down into their sick little world. How sad it is that absolutely no one has balls anymore? No one will stand up for what they believe in because our fucked up world has warped everyone's brains. You better stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

I HATE how we live today. No one looks at the inside anymore. It's all about outward appearances and what people look like to everyone else. Hell, I'm guilty half the time until I stop myself and remind myself that I'm my own person and no one dictates how I live or what I look like. I won't give in to what this world wants.

I live in a world where I am who I am and I'm thanked for it. Am I different based on what the world says I should be? Hell yes I am. I'm about as different as they come. I'm 6'5 and I prefer the same sex. Crucify me why don't you, world? That's the world I used to live in. I was scared. I cared about what everyone would think about me if they knew my inner most secrets. And then everything came spilling out and it got even worse. Until I had a revelation and realized that living life is about what makes you happy...not what makes everyone else happy. As soon as I adopted that attitude, my life changed. My parents' attitude changed as well, because they saw that I had accepted things too.

It's the hardest thing in the world... to be different. But when you realize that you're actually not that different, your world changes. When you realize that people envy you, your world changes. People envy you because you actually know who you are. They see you unafraid and living your life to the fullest and they want that too. You are happy and they want it so bad that they will try and knock you off your pedestal.

There will always be those people who can't escape the real world. Those people will live unfulfilled lives and may appear happy outwardly, but if you could see their heart every night they go to sleep, you'd see the pain they're carrying. Those are the kind of people who's tombstone should read, "Lived my life to please everyone but myself. Hope you're all happy. Wish I had a second chance."

I'm so angry at the world that I just want to throw up right now. I can feel my blood boiling and coursing through my veins.

This sick, fucked up world is the reason that the best thing that ever happened to me is running away right now. And I have no idea how to stop the bleeding.

Thank you, thoughtless, careless world...you've been most helpful.

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