
I haven't vanished!

There has been A LOT going on these past two weeks. Hence the absence.

1. Saw Eclipse. AWESOME. I joked with my sister that I was team Bella... HAHA. But I was actually serious.

2. Family Reunion. AMAZING time. Traveled to East Bumble-Phuck, Indiana. (more on this later)
3. Goofy Grandma comes TOMORROW! Cleaning house and running errands for moms and pops.

Family Reunion time. Finally made it there after 10 hours and 5 extremely poopy, disgusting diapers. I was rather hesitant about going up there because, after all, it ISSSSS Pekin, Indiana. Population like what, 300? Half of who are somehow related to the Phillips. Weiiiiird.

I decided to stay with my Dad's half sister and her husband at one of our Indiana family member's house. Good choice. The house was pretty pimp. All of the houses are weird in Indiana. For example, the folks I stayed with...in their upstairs room (yes one bedroom upstairs) had a NICE triangle jacuzzi tub in it. No wall. Just right there next to the bed. Directly in front of the door. Ooookkkkkk. Lol.

The downstairs was cool though. I stayed in their kids' room. My cousins I guess. Well, one of my cousins, who is maybe 5 or 6, was OBSESSED with me. She followed me around the entire time, told everyone we were best friends, gave me some silly bands to wear for the weekend, waved to me if she was more than a foot away from me...oh and the best one of them all.... Walked into her room and goes "Mmmm it smells good in here." I said "Oh yea?" She goes "Yea!!! It smells like you." I was like OK looks like I'm locking the door tonight when I go to sleep. To make things worse, my Aunt Kendra who is about 5 or 6 years older than me was giving me constant shit about it the whole time hahahaha. The whole family was in on it. It was....strange, for lack of a better word.

First night there was awesome. Went in to Louisville, KY to an outdoor, free concert with Steel Magnolias headlining. Got crunk with the country cousins and their significant others. Good times. Second day was good. Hot. Outside all day at my Great Aunt and Uncle's house with everyone. Cornhole, tons of food, and fishing. Check out what I caught.

Sweet, eh? I thought so. It was about a  3 pounder.

The next day was at the house I was staying at. Went to church that morning. There about 20 of us there. Sweet. Came home and it was pool time! Had a hilarious volleyball game with a bunch of the family. Katie flashed everyone on the other team. Mom suit=1 Katie=0 The next day we left...long drive home. The end.

Grandma is coming. Lila turns 1 on Sunday. Knights of Columbus that happened FAST!!!!!! I can't believe it. She is so close to walking. She sasses me around. Constantly haha. But I love it. I am going to take GG around to look at some potential houses. Next week, on Wednesday I believe, we're heading to the beach!!! Woot woot.

That's all for now. I have to finish cleaning house. Oh...and I still haven't written thank you cards. From my graduation. In May.

Hey, nobody's perfect.

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