
Forks, NC

I'm in LOVE with the weather right now.

It is now fall.  The summer was long.  A record number of days with blistering heat. The ground has been parched for quite some time. I prayed and prayed for relief from the heat. It just starts to wear on you...

The first day of fall was 95 degrees. There was no hope.

But then today happened :)  When I left for church this morning, it was beautiful, but I was somewhat disappointed. It was breezy, sunny and 63 degrees. Gorgeous. The forecast, however, said that it was supposed to be raining ALLLL day. Hmph.

As I drove home I thought, "Ehhhhh the weather people effed up again. Big surprise there. I bet it went west of us." And then I reached the part of the road that takes you by the airport. The trees part, and you can see the sky for miles. I reached the top of the hill and made the slight turn...my soul smiled :)  The dark clouds loomed ominously off in the distance behind the runway.

I don't know why I love dark, cold, wet, dreary.... I don't know. I just do. Some people feel that way about sunshine. But for me...a perfect day is a day like today. Maybe part of it is because I don't care about getting wet. My hair doesn't matter to me. I normally put it up wet anyways. I like sweatshirt weather. Maybe that's it. I don't know.

I'm laying on my bed right now listening to the rain fall on the pavement, the roof and the leaves of the trees. The breeze blowing through my windows is so refreshing I cannot possibly put it into words.

While this post is pointless and very boring to anyone reading it, I don't care. I'm super happy that God blessed me with a day like this. Oh...and it's supposed to do the same thing tomorrow :) This kinda makes me want to move to Forks. You Twihards know what I'm saying!

I think fall is finally here ^__^


It's only Tuesday?

Ok, well when I wake up in a few hours it will be Wednesday, but DAMN.

I am so tired this week. The past weekend was my first AAU tournament as a head coach. Had a blast despite not winning the whole thing. The girls have a lot of work to do. Therefore, I decided to make practice a little different. I presented them with the option to make it pretty damn hard or pretty damn easy...

Monday morning came way to f*ing early. My alarm went off and my heart almost stopped, I think. From coaching, my voice has been off all week. I woke up Monday and felt like I had a cold or something. When I first woke up, I felt fine. But as the morning went on, things got fuzzier and fuzzier. It was so weird. I didn't cognitively feel tired....but I was. I wasn't in a bad mood either. I literally couldn't put a finger on what was wrong, but something was definitely off and no matter what I did, nothing helped.

Not even a Diet Dew. Yea... scary.

So I went to practice that night, fully expecting for the girls to practice horribly due to the fact that they had JUST played the day before and the day before that. I was planning on being a hard ass and going home with heightened blood pressure.

Those girls embraced everything I was trying to do. They did everything I asked and got on each other when someone wasn't doing exactly what I asked. I was sooo happy.  My day completely turned around. At 9 pm.  Love them!

This morning I was having a dream about a college graduation. Instead of Pomp and Circumstance playing as whoever it was graduating processed in, the theme song from The Office was playing. Odd right? I thought so too.  I thought it was odd until I came to and woke up for the morning. I looked at my watch. 7:46?? SHIT.

That was no graduation....that was the sound of my alarm going off HAHAHA. Apparently I was so zonked, I reached over and turned off my iPhone alarm (which takes talent if sleeping). I was late for work by 15 mins.

We had meetings ALLLLL day. When everything was said and done, I now have my hand in about 9 different projects. Sweet life.  One of those is due at 8am. So here I sit, still working on it.

Hey this kind of feels like college.....

Oh wait, I went to Richmond. This stress is NOTHING like that place. Unreal.

On a personal note...I feel pretty good for the most part. Whatever is going on with my allergies can stop anytime now. Oh....and if any new people feel like making their way into my life...that'd be fantastic. No offense to the people I already know and love, but I need to make some friends here in Greensboro. Some....non-typical friends I guess I should refer to them as.

Ah screw it, I'll just say it. Where my gays at?




Posts are just flowing out of me this morning. I want to update more frequently. Been a little busy lately.

My first AAU tournament as a head coach is this weekend!!!! I'm beyond pumped!

We had our first scrimmage last night. Without having our best player playing, we did just fine! I walked away pretty happy. The effort was there...that is my number one request. There is a lot to work on, but they were trying.

It has been a challenge getting them to break old habits. The old coach never really...taught...basketball stuff. He coached his daughter. That's about it.

The girls are responding very well, though. Better than I could have imagined. I see moments of brilliance and understanding. We will get there. By spring time, we should be pretty darn good. It is a matter of repetition, getting used to my style, learning the plays...and remembering them :)

I'm trying my hardest to be patient.  I now understand why coaches were impatient sometimes. You see what these kids can do....and you can't get it out of them right then and there. But I'm reminding myself that I will get it out of them in time.

I'm growing, I'm learning, I'm loving it. Like McDonald's LOL I'm lovin' it. I'm McLovin it.



Imagine this...

You're driving through the mountains and the weather is just nasty. Snow, ice, rain...whatever. It has made the roads treacherous so much so that any idiot would know to stay off them if they don't have 4-wheel drive. Front wheel at the very least. You happen upon a car stuck in the mud. The engine is exhausting itself by continuously and furiously spinning the tires. Kicking up mud and all kinds of crap. Despite how messy the situation appears, you pull over and run to help the driver. You are, after all, in a 4-wheel, sturdy, solid, vehicle.

They graciously greet you and welcome you into the situation because they know they can't do it alone. "This has happened a few times before," they caution. "That's ok, I'll show you how to prepare for weather like this, " you say.  "Great! That would be so helpful so that I never make this mistake again."


You grab all the necessary supplies you have and prepare to "unstuck" the car wildly spinning the tires. In attempts to get it out of the rut it has created, you become a mess yourself. The wheels spit mud in your face and all over your clean, dry clothes. The rain, ice and snow relentlessly pelt you in the face. Sticks and rocks fly up, cutting you up a bit. Your legs are driven into the mud so much so that you almost get stuck. Finally, the car moves a bit. You give one last push...expanding all of your energy. The car thrusts out of the rut and sits there idling, as if nothing ever happened.

By this time, you've grown rather impatient with everything. After all, it did make you late for the lunch you had planned to have with your friends. But at least you helped someone out who really needed it. You explain how to avoid this situation. The person blankly stares at you. You repeat it and repeat it. Annoyed, you turn to walk away. They grab you and say "ok, I'm sorry...just one more time, I promise I'll get it. I don't want to make this mistake again." You explain one last time...slowly, methodically...in a way they cannot mess up.  Somewhere inside you know they will end up right where you first came upon them. You part ways and are happy to get home, shower and change clothes.

A little less than a month after this, you're driving down the same road. The weather is again, not good for cars without 4-wheel drive. It hardly ever is where you live.  You turn the corner and can hardly believe your eyes.

There, in the same exact spot as before is the car you helped get out of the rut. It sits there spinning the tires.  Another good-hearted, unsuspecting person stands behind the car, pushing with all their might. You pause for a second...your blood begins to boil. Did you or did you not, show that person how to avoid the situation completely? Yet here they sit....tires just'a spinning. You know exactly how that person helping is going to feel in a little bit.  But its not your problem anymore. You know you exhausted yourself trying to show that person how to avoid the situation. You risked your own safety, got dirty and the debris left a few cuts.

So you sit there...staring out of your window dumbfounded. Angry. Irate that you wasted your time. It truly sinks in... Some people can't be helped.  Some people want to make the same mistakes. Some people don't care about learning....learning anything.  They just want to sit there and spin the tires.  You sigh and drive away. In your rear view you gaze at the unsuspecting person beginning to explain how to avoid the situation.

You laugh almost an ominous laugh to yourself. "....maybe they will listen this time. Maybe this person can find a way to get the point across to that poor idiot"

A few months later, driving down that very road, you pass by the same freaking car. Stuck. No one is there to help yet. But you never slow....you pass by without thinking twice.

They can't be helped.


Randoms. isms.

Every morning brings another, slightly stronger hint that fall is fast approaching.  After this blazing inferno of a summer we've had down here, 80 degree days feel like heaven. Even better? 58 degree mornings. It felt so good this morning on my way to work turning the dial on my air to the place where the blue and red meet in the middle.

Football seasons starts tonight. More importantly, the BUCS season starts on Sunday. I've missed football Sundays at the house for the past four years. I'm finally back and ready to go!!  Being away, you don't really realize how much you're missing until you come back home. The memories all come flooding back and you realize how much you actually do miss things.  Yes, even mom yelling at you occasionally.

My AAU team is starting to come together. There are A LOTTTTTT of bad habits I'm having to work through with them. Their old coach only cared about his daughter apparently.... Given that, he didn't pay much attention to the other kids and their....skills....   Each practice, they are getting more and more used to my style. They were all a bit shell-shocked at first I think. We run. A lot. All of my drills involve getting up and down the hardwood. Being the head coach was a MAJOR adjustment at first. I realized how much more you have to watch and be vocal. Oh...and the plays come from YOUR head. That is probably the most challenging thing for me...but, I'm getting used to it! Oh...and LOVING every minute of it :)

Vacation was pretty good. Always nice to get away to the beach. We missed Tom, though. He brings something with him that wasn't there this trip. I did enjoy seeing Lila experience the beach for the first time.  However, if given the choice, I think she would prefer the pool to the sandy beach. She even loved the hot tub. Me too, kid!